
An application form for internal UC Davis fellowships and scholarships is available on the Graduate Studies website. The deadline is January 15. Contact the office of Graduate Studies, Student Support, for additional information.

1.Compensation Plan for Graduate Student Researcher (GSR)

The Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry (AGC) Program offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. AGC students are compensated under the Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) title following the UC merit-based salary scale. Ph.D. students who have advanced to candidacy (i.e., passed their qualifying exam) are recognized with an increase in pay.

Please see the UC Davis Graduate Studies website for current salary details.

The actual monthly salary is determined based on the appointment percentage of the step, which does not exceed 50% time. Student employment at less than 50% of time does not accrue paid vacation, sick leave or retirement benefits. All GSR appointments above 25% and not exceeding 50% time will receive remission include payment of in-state tuition/fees and Graduate Student Health Insurance Premium (GSHIP).

2. Student Employment through Teaching Assistantship

Enrolled students may also be funded though Teaching Assistantship (TAship). The amount of TA-ship compensation is determined by Graduate Studies.

Actual monthly salary is determined based on the appointment percentage for the TAship, which is determined by the academic department offering this paid position. TAship appointments above 25% and not exceeding 50% time will receive partial remission of in-state fees and full remission of GSHIP.

3. Exceptions

The pay schedule described above is not a guarantee. In general, AGC students will be compensated by their major professor’s program and home department based on the GSR schedule described above. Where grant or other project funding issues arise, an exception may occur and students should consult with their major professor.<

Based on the student’s requirements and the major professor’s grant abilities, the major professor or home department is permitted to increase the appointment percentage time. For example, GSR appointments during the summer may be above 50%. Student employment greater than 50% accrues benefits such as paid vacation and sick leave.